2. bratislavská liga Sezóna 2023/2024

Poradie Tímy Odohrané Víťazstvá Prehry Remízy Rozdiel Góly Body Súčasná forma
1 Wolves Rača 18 16 2 0 111 - 32 79 32 VVVVV
2 Jánošikovi Zbojníci 17 13 3 1 89 - 35 54 27 VVVVP
3 Golden boys B 17 12 2 3 82 - 32 50 27 RVVRV
4 Lizards Stupava 17 9 6 2 63 - 57 6 20 PPVRP
5 Vlci Karlova Ves 17 9 7 1 54 - 41 13 19 RPPVV
6 Jokers Jarovce 18 9 8 1 63 - 57 6 19 VVPVV
7 Milfox Miloslavov 17 7 8 2 76 - 77 -1 16 VVPVP
8 Team Pitbulls 18 8 7 3 70 - 69 1 11 PVPVV
9 Vitamíny Pezinok 16 3 13 0 44 - 107 -63 6 PPPPP
10 Dinamo Bratislava 18 2 16 0 42 - 90 -48 4 PPPPP
11 Elán Karlova Ves 17 0 16 1 41 - 138 -97 1 PPPPP

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Eventus is the world‘s largest event annually organized every February in Bansko. The event is visited by more than 100 000 people each year. We are excited to welcome you there!


For general information about the event/expo/conference, including registration, please contact us at:

eventus (@) yoursite.com
2nd Ave and Washington

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